On the second day, we had decided we were going to get up early and rent kayaks (which I won’t lie, I am not a real big fan of, but that was our cheapest option) to get us out on the water. First light wasn’t until around 630, so we got to sleep in a little. I am not sure how much sleep we actually got, with it being our first real whole day in Florida and we were going fishing.

After getting our gear ready, we rented three kayaks and with some directions from the guy who we got the kayaks from, we would paddle a mile across the bay to get to some mangroves, which I knew usually will hold some type of fish and we didn’t really care what we caught. About half way across I started thinking this really sucks, maybe it was worth the extra money to rent a boat. It took about an hour to paddle across, so we had two hours of paddling and two hours of fishing. I made a mental note that we wouldn’t be doing this again. But what we saw when we got to the other side was well worth the paddle.

for the whole story:
