Bend Back Sand Eel
There is a sea loch near me called Loch Fleet. It is great for sea trout (sea run browns). They hang around the weed beds so I wanted something reasonably weedless for them. Some time ago I bought some living nymph hooks with the intention of tying my BiColour Nymphs on them. When I received them they were just too big and heavy for the nymphs. However, they are perfect as bend back hooks.

The wing is made up of a material I discovered some months ago. It is similar to a lot of the fibres sold for this job but much finer. It takes marker pen really well if you want it coloured. Also the price is a fraction of what the fly tying materials cost.

Hook: Size 10 living nymph.
Weight: Lead wire (under the read floss on the bend of the hook)
Body: Glo Brite No.4 coated with UV resin.
Thread GSP. (Horrid stuff but good here)
Wing: A few strands of crystal flash (I’ve used red and black – you can use whatever colour you like) surrounded by Ramie top.
Sides: A couple of strands of crystal flash either side of the wing (I've used blue -…).
Back: Crystal flash and peacock herl.
Eyes: 3mm stick on eyes (mine are from Deer Creek), alternatively you can use small foil sides.

Head: Finished with UV resin, but you can use epoxy (if you don't mind the wait).


(Originally I put the tying instructions as descriptions on the photos. Now I can't access them, don't know if you will be able to either so here they are again.)

Start by winding your weight
on the bend of the hook. You could use copper wire if you don’t have lead.

Cover the wire with some GloBrite No4. or UTC Fl Fire Orange thread. (It’s the same colour!) Then coat the it with UV resin, or varnish, or epoxy.

Change the position of the hook in your vice so that the front of the shank is level and the hook upside down.

Start the thread, and tie in a few strands of crystal flash. Mine is black and red. I would like red and
pearl but can’t get it.

Now surround these with Ramie Top. The Ramie is an Asiatic plant similar to kapok but much finer. I get mine from

Measure it for length, and tie it down.

Add a couple of strands of crystal flash to either side.

Then some peacock herls along the top. If you have them long herls from peacock swords are stronger.

Trim out the excess and bind
everything down nice and neat. Whip finish. Coat with UV resin or…

the eyes to either side, and coat them with UV resin or…

You can leave it at this stage but I add more UV resin over one eye.

The idea here is to upset the balance of the fly, so it wiggles when you pull it.
What I am trying to imitate is a wounded sand eel. That’s why I like some red
in it.

This is not a large fly, which is why I use the Ramie Top for the wing. It is only
about 2 ½ to 3 inches long. I find it a good size for our sea trout. On our
last trip one accounted for a mackerel for Mike my fishing partner. They go
some on a 5 wt rod. Great sport!

