Library Fishing Report Allegheny River

Allegheny River

Desde: 27/10/2017
Hasta: 27/10/2017
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Muskie
I've been waiting for colder water temps to fish for Muskie for a few months now and I finally got what I wanted. The water was in the low 50's, perfect color and perfect level. It was a beautiful sunny day with air temps in the mid 30's for lows and it got to the upper 60's for a high.

I started fishing at daybreak and I was throwing one of my favorite Muskie flies from Streamer King Flies...a 12" Sucker pattern. The first spot has some downed trees scattered around and the fish naturally like to hide around them. I was working the edges of the timber when fish number one launched itself out of the water and viciously attacked my fly. Instantly I aggressively strip set several times ,sinking the hook deep into the predator fishes top lip. After a few minute tug of war I was able to Ver más...


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