Library Fishing Report Scott Taylor

Scott Taylor

From: 06/24/2015
To: 06/24/2015
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Rainbow trout
With the incredible late season snow pack, we are still having a good run-off. It is great to see how green Pagosa is in the valleys, and up in the high country there is still snow hanging out on the high peaks surrounding Pagosa. It makes you think that is spring time in the Rockies, but it’s not, its summer. With all the rain and late snow it has made some of the fishing tough in our area. On the plus side, this should help us have a great fall and help some of the fish populations on streams that have been affected by several years of the drought. The other thing that is amazing, is to see how quickly Navajo Reservoir is filling up. Areas of ground and rock that we have been looking at for several years are now gone, spots I have been fishing are now under 20 to 30 feet of water. My f View more...


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