Library Fishing Report Silver Creek, Big Wood River, Big Lost River, South Fork Boise River

Silver Creek, Big Wood River, Big Lost River, South Fork Boise River

From: 01/02/2015
To: 01/02/2015
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Rainbow trout, Brown trout, Whitefish
"When we fish, we are awake. We are attuned to the environment, to the world, to the reverence and wonder of life." -Dan Baughman

'Tis the season for making resolutions. This year make a resolution to fish more. For it is in the pursuit, the act of angling, that we find humility.


Remember, this time of year The Nature Conservancy portion of Silver Creek to the Highway 21 bridge is closed. If you would like to experience the tranquility of the Creek in winter, head to the BLM stretch as it remains open until the end of February. Fish the slow, deep water with streamers and nymphs either with a dead drift or on a slow swing. Some days you may even find a fish or two rising to midge adults and emergers. These fish are as selective and spooky as they are in summer, so you View more...


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