Library Fishing Report Silver Creek

Silver Creek

From: 05/11/2016
To: 05/11/2016
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Steelhead, Rainbow trout, Brown trout, Brook trout, Cutthroat, Bull trout, Whitefish
Silver Creek Outfitters Fly Fishing Forecast May 11-25
"Fish come and go, but it is the memory of the afternoons on the stream that endure." ~ E. Donnall Thomas

Only a few weeks until the season opener for the Creek, the Wood, and the South Fork on May 28th. It seems that the closer the opener gets the more tantalizing it becomes. We all pine for the river in our own way during the off season. Some tie flies or organize gear. Some even head for other destinations. One particular angler, Neil Damy, composed a song. He captured the essence of the Wood, when the light hits the cottonwoods at that certain angle, perfectly. Check it out ( This will make the time waiting for the rivers to open more tolerable and the memories of afternoons on the stream more pr View more...


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