Tying Materials // Hook: Partridge Czech Nymph, sizes 8 to 16 depending on the spot and season period.
Thread: 8/0 or 14/0, White. Stretch thread, white too.
Weighing: lead or tungsten, 0.20 to 0.80 de mm.
Ribbing: 0.20 to 0.30 mm monofilament, depending on hook size. Pearled Flashabou or UV.
Abdomen: hare or rabbit dubbing, pale, mostly under hair.
Back: Thin Skin strap or similar, like the Scud Back or a PVC strap.
Thorax: hare dubbing, with Ice Dubbing, UV with black or dark brown.
Others: White enamel. Cianoacrilate enamel. Black permanent marker.