Library Step by Step ETT Stonefly

ETT Stonefly

The perlidae are considered big nymphs (size 6-8) here in Quebec and are among the most important trout foods on some rivers. A big snack like this can sometimes be the only meal a brook trout trout will have in a period of two weeks in our rivers during the cold months of winter.  Their metabo View more...
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ETT Stonefly
List of materials
Size 6-8 nymph hook (Mustad 9671)Tungsten bead 3/16Copper wire to match fly sizeNon toxic lead wirePearl MylarBlack turkey biotsRubber legsLoon thick UV clear fly finishUV lamp or flashlightBlack dubbingRed dubbing

Step 1

Insert the bead all the way in the hook and wrap the lead wire 2/3 of the way and push it up front.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 1

Step 2

Wrap the lead wire and shank with thread all the way back to the curve of the hook.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 2

Step 3

Tye the turket biot back to back so the curve is pointing outside.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 3

Step 4

Tye the copper wire to the shank.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 4

Step 5

Build up a nice dubbing cord with the dubbing twister.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 5

Step 6

Wrap it up forward leaving 1/3 of the shank clear.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 6

Step 7

Now wrap your body with the copper wire the opposite direction of the last step.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 7

Step 8

Tye the Mylar and the legs.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 8

Step 9

Tye the other leg.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 9

Step 10

Build a cord with the red dubbing now.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 10

Step 11

Wrap it all the way up to head. Make a knot right in between the legs and the bead.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 11

Step 12

Tye the Mylar over the red dubbing.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 12

Step 13

Cover the Mylar with the UV clear fly finish.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 13

Step 14

It looks this way but will become clear once cured.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 14

Step 15

Cure the clear finish with the UV lamp for at least 15 seconds. Direct sunrays work best.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 15

Step 16

Now the fly is completed, you can trim the legs to your own taste or preference.

Fly tying - ETT Stonefly - Step 16


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Hugo "Colo" Dezurko

Hugo "Colo" DezurkoGold Profile

Guide, Casting instructor - Argentina
