Library Step by Step Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher )

Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher )

We have a very very small species of creme colored mayfly and midge up here in Alaska, this could be a Sulpher type of Mayfly as well, tied these up to imitate the emerger stage of these. I have yet been able to do further research, I will in the future, in the meantime tie some up and try them out View more...
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Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher )
List of materials
Hook: TMC 9300, #18 Thread: UTC 17/0 white Tail: Harline White Para Post Abdomen/Thorax: Wapsi life cycle dubbing, Cahill Creme mixed with a slight pinch (1to 3 ratio) of orang ice dub Loopwing: light dun cdc

Step 1

Apply your thread down the shank of the fly and stop at the start of the hook bend, cut your tag end

Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 1

Step 2

Cut a small hunk para post off of the main strand approximately double the size of the hook shank and tie 1/6 of that clump in measured against the shank

Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 2

Step 3

Pinch and twist a very small amount of dubbing with a tapered profile and then dub it on 2/3 of the shank

Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 3

Step 4

Leave 1/3 of the hook shank open for the thorax and cdc Loopwing

Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 4

Step 5

Tie in the tip of 1 cdc feather in at the front of the hook just behind the eye back to the end of the 2/3 abdomen and the start of the thorax

Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 5

Step 6

Dub a thick thorax slightly larger than the biggest part of the abdomen and leve a small spot just behind the eye to tie down the cdc

Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 6

Step 7

Fold the cdc feather forward making a small loop about half the size of the body and secure with two thread wraps, you can also use your bodkin to assist you in making a loop by placing it in between the thorax and cdc while lifting up and releasing tension on your bobbin and lifting up and back to make the loop larger

Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 7

Step 8

Apply a extremely small amount of dubbing to your thread and dub over whether the cdc is tied in and just behind the eye

Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 8

Step 9

After you dub wip finish and cut your thread

Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 9

Step 10


Fly tying - Ghost Loopwing Emerger ( PMD/Sulpher ) - Step 10


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