Library Step by Step Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

Since I first started fly fishing I was attracted by large streamers, both those made with feathers or hairs. Brooks’ Blondes have always given me good results, they are timeless I’d say. That’s why I made new adaptations of this model throughout the years, for different waters and fish. The R View more...
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Rainbow Warrior
List of materials
MATERIALSHook: OWNER AKI 1/O or 2/O.Thread: 6/0 white and 8/0 black.Tail: White bucktail. Two White saddles and two grizzly saddles.Body: pearled UV DUBBING.Belly: white BUCKTAIL.Back: pink BUCKTAIL, green BUCKTAIL (from the back), peacock fibers.Sides: olive grizzly hackle, red flashabou, JUNGLE COCK feather.

Step 1

Tie a bucktail bundle, evenly as shown in the picture.

Fly tying - Rainbow Warrior - Step 1

Step 2

Tie 2 hackle feathers or white saddle, then 2 grizzly feathers over them. Tie them at the sides (not on top like on Deceivers). They should remain at the sides and vertical.

Fly tying - Rainbow Warrior - Step 2

Step 3

Use the pearled uv dubbing to make the body, dub it twice.

Fly tying - Rainbow Warrior - Step 3

Step 4

Tie a white bucktail bundle shaping the belly, then pink and green ones to shape the wing. The green bundle is better if darker, to resemble small rainbows’ back.

Fly tying - Rainbow Warrior - Step 4

Step 5

Add 6 to 8 peacock strands over the green bundle. The ones from the eye are better.

Fly tying - Rainbow Warrior - Step 5

Step 6

Tie an olive grizzly feather at each side. Right below the green part of the wing, without covering the pink stripe. The olive feathers must be flat over the wing so the barred section can be perfectly seen.

Fly tying - Rainbow Warrior - Step 6

Step 7

Add a strip of red flashabou and the jungle cock over it (if you have any).

Fly tying - Rainbow Warrior - Step 7

Step 8

Make a conic head and lacquer it. I use epoxy or one of the uv variants. Wet the fly with hot water and let it dry for a day, so it lasts longer. You can see a wet one and the finished dry one in the picture.

Fly tying - Rainbow Warrior - Step 8


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