Library Step by Step Tomsu's Hopper

Tomsu's Hopper

I´m not so fond of foam flies because they generally don’t look so good, but these hoppers are really fun, and look great when we paint them with different colors. The mold shapes to cut the body parts help make a natural hopper and really fast. I’ve used tied up silicon legs that I like best, View more...
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Tomsu's Hopper
List of materials
MATERIALSHOOK: Mustad Signature C49S, #6.THREAD: 3/0 dark brown.BODY: foam, beige color, 2 mm.WING: MFC Wing material color mottled brown.PRONOTUM: Foam, beige color, 1 mm.BACK LEGS: fluorescent orange foam, 2 mm.FRONT LEGS: rounded silicon legs, beige and black barred.ANTENNAE: same as front legs.CUTTER: I used a complete set of cutters for every body part, 4 different cutters made by River Road Creations. View more...

Step 1

With the body cutter, shape the Hopper body parts. Two halfs will make one body.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 1

Step 2

Split the halfs carefully.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 2

Step 3

Use the leg cutter to cut the back legs.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 3

Step 4

Cut each leg in the thick part, as back as possible.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 4

Step 5

Use the wing cutter for the wings, using MFC wing material. There are options like feathers, fine foam that we should paint later. It has to be translucent.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 5

Step 6

Split the wings.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 6

Step 7

Prepare the Hopper pronotums with another cutter.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 7

Step 8

Place a dot of cianoacrilate in the body’s fine tip, the abdomen edge.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 8

Step 9

Glue the abdomen tip making sure the two halfs are even.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 9

Step 10

Seen from the side, the body should look like one piece.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 10

Step 11

Place a needle on the vise, tie and cement with some cianoacrilate.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 11

Step 12

Pinch the body from the inside to outside. The needle should come out to the back, in the middle of the two foam halfs.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 12

Step 13

Make the first segment with 4 or 5 thread turns.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 13

Step 14

Split the foam halfs, pass the thread and closet the foam.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 14

Step 15

Shape the second and other segments this way.until the back of the thorax. Tie and cut once you have 5 segments.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 15

Step 16

In a curved hook like the Mustad C49S reconnect the thread and cement.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 16

Step 17

One half of foam at each side. Use some cement in the opposite side of the hook and glue the foam, this helps later.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 17

Step 18

Shape a segment with thread on the tórax. Then glue the foams, hook overhanging as in the photo.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 18

Step 19

Tie the back legs and trim. Knot it.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 19

Step 20

Back legs position.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 20

Step 21

Connect the thread at the back of the head, present the wing and tie.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 21

Step 22

Trim the wing, glue the wing to the back of the abdomen with contact glue so it’s tight.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 22

Step 23

Tie the pronotum as it the photo shows. With cement it will remain stuck.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 23

Step 24

Tie the front legs making sure they point a bit downwards. The fly will fall correctly this way.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 24

Step 25

Use a marker to decórate the fly.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 25

Step 26

The antennae are glued with cement. The direction of these may not be that important to trout.

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 26

Step 27

A Tomsu´s Hopper family ready to be fished near the bank vegetation!

Fly tying - Tomsu's Hopper - Step 27


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