Library Step by Step Variant Dry Fly - Fly Tying Instrucions

Variant Dry Fly - Fly Tying Instrucions

This fly, credited to Art Flick from the early days of fly-fishing in the USA, is probably one of the simplest yet effective trout dry flies, both for rivers and lakes.Gray Fox, Cream, and Dun are some of the names given to these dry flies according to the color of the mayflies imitated. These are N View more...
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List of materials
MATERIALSThread: 8/0, tan.Hook: dry fly hooks, sizes #8 to #20.Tail: rooster feather fibers.Abdomen: feather quill (tied by its tip), cream.Hackle: rooster feather, cream.

Step 1

To make the tail, tie a bundle of feather fibers. The size should be of, at least, twice the size of the hook shank.

Fly tying - Variant - Step 1

Step 2

Tie a cream colored rooster feather quill by its tip and along the hook shank, up to the base of the tail.

Fly tying - Variant - Step 2

Step 3

Wrap the quill on the hook shank to shape the abdomen of the fly.

Fly tying - Variant - Step 3

Step 4

Tie a rooster feather by its base, right where we just tied the quill to shape the abdomen. This feather should be tied with its darker section pointing to us, so that the fibers head to the front when wrapped.

Fly tying - Variant - Step 4

Step 5

Wrap the feather to make the hackle of the fly. Whip finish and cemment.

Fly tying - Variant - Step 5


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Guide, Fly Tying instructor, Casting instructor - Slovenia
