Desde: 07/05/2016
Hasta: 07/05/2016
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha marrón, Trucha marmorata
Yesterday's fishing was really tought!
Started early morning around 8 looking for some active fishes maybe on surface before the sun begun to shine on the water..
My pre-plan didn't work so i turned my approach as soon as possible to nymph's fishing which gave me something better...
Anyway the unbelievable low level, crystal clear water didn't help me especially there where the wild marbles and browns are very selective and suspicious!
So shine, sunny and too much hot day for this period on the dolomites increased the difficulty.
I know that river, i have been flyfishing there for many many years so i usually change my approach turning flies till find the right one.. i also used some secret flies tyed up for that special spoy. Yesterday was the small size nymphs/dries time!
Fished Ver más...Yesterday's fishing was really tought!
Started early morning around 8 looking for some active fishes maybe on surface before the sun begun to shine on the water..
My pre-plan didn't work so i turned my approach as soon as possible to nymph's fishing which gave me something better...
Anyway the unbelievable low level, crystal clear water didn't help me especially there where the wild marbles and browns are very selective and suspicious!
So shine, sunny and too much hot day for this period on the dolomites increased the difficulty.
I know that river, i have been flyfishing there for many many years so i usually change my approach turning flies till find the right one.. i also used some secret flies tyed up for that special spoy. Yesterday was the small size nymphs/dries time!
Fished on nymphs along all fishing spot, then i decided to have a little break under some trees to eat something and drink in order to relax myself a little bit, re-charge the energy for the final rush, Coup de soir!
I saw a few rising fishes which ate some big caddis and mayflies on surface, caught a few of those, then fishes started to eat the big pupas and nymphs onb the bottom so i got off my dry fly turned to small but heavy nymph, success!
My flyfishing day finished at 8.30 pm, happy for the great goals got
Not many fishes came out, not so big such as thought but again the temperature and weather made the difference.
I Like fishing and guiding there, on one of the most wild, difficult and selective spot in Italy!