Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca circuit lake fueguinas

circuit lake fueguinas

Desde: 15/09/2016
Hasta: 15/09/2016
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha marrón

Tierra del Fuego with its endless fishing destinations, is essentially the promised land for fishermen who dream of obtaining the prize trophy trout. The best thing about this destination is that a fisherman not only has the possibility of obtaining a trout over 5 kilos, but several of these submarines brown. This well know Sebastian Mundiñano, an experienced fisherman these fueguinas lands and which works in response to fishermen from all over the world in its operation MyM FlyCast, which served personally with the help of his friend, another fisherman extensive experience in fishing these southern lands.
End of season is a propitious time to catch large trout, tells Sebastian. One of his favorite for this, Kosovo places is the lagoon. The Ver más...


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