Library Video Fly tying Video - Mohawk Hotspot Pheasant Tail Nymph PTN

Video - Mohawk Hotspot Pheasant Tail Nymph PTN

This pattern is from Justin Aldrich (check out his channel here - and was featured on JStockard's blog in May 2018. This variation of the Pheasant Tail Nymph (#PTN ) incorporates a unique hotspot, taking advantage of some seldom used real estate over top of the tungsten bead. Mohawk Hotspot Pheasant Tail Nymph fly pattern recipe Hook: Partridge SUJ #10-16 or similar jig hook Bead: Gold tungsten (3.3mm for #12) Thread: Rusty Brown 8/0 (70d) Hot Spot: Floss (hot color) Tail & body: 6-8 pheasant tail fibers or CDL fibers Rib: Copper Ultrawire (sm) Thorax: Peacock herl


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