Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Estancia Laguna Verde

Estancia Laguna Verde

Desde: 07/11/2015
Hasta: 14/11/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris
Estancia Laguna Verde lodge

Week: 2
Date: November 7th to 14th 2015
Report: 2

Weather conditions:
• Warm and sunny from Saturday with low winds, and with the last two days of the week with high winds and cloudy.

Top 5 Places:
1. Puesto bay (Strobel lake)
2. Cocoon (Strobel lake)
3. Barrancoso river lower section
4. Dry fly Bay
5. Moro creek 5th section (Horse shoe to 8 lakes section)

Top 5 Flies:
1 Scuds (green / orange)
2 BH Prince Nymph.
3 Chernovyl ant (black, black/orange bottom foam layer or tan bottom foam layer)
4 BH pheasant tail
5 BH Wooly Bugger (black/cactus chenille/olive)

The week presented very good conditions from Saturday, with lots of sight fishing opportunities.

Strobel Lake:
El Puesto bay continued on fir Ver más...


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Estancia Laguna Verde

Estancia Laguna VerdePerfil profesional oro

Lodge - Argentina

Trucha de arroyo o fontinalis, Trucha marrón, Trucha arcoiris