Desde: 07/11/2015
Hasta: 14/11/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris
Estancia Laguna Verde lodge
Week: 2
Date: November 7th to 14th 2015
Report: 2
Weather conditions:
• Warm and sunny from Saturday with low winds, and with the last two days of the week with high winds and cloudy.
Top 5 Places:
1. Puesto bay (Strobel lake)
2. Cocoon (Strobel lake)
3. Barrancoso river lower section
4. Dry fly Bay
5. Moro creek 5th section (Horse shoe to 8 lakes section)
Top 5 Flies:
1 Scuds (green / orange)
2 BH Prince Nymph.
3 Chernovyl ant (black, black/orange bottom foam layer or tan bottom foam layer)
4 BH pheasant tail
5 BH Wooly Bugger (black/cactus chenille/olive)
The week presented very good conditions from Saturday, with lots of sight fishing opportunities.
Strobel Lake:
El Puesto bay continued on fir Ver más...Estancia Laguna Verde lodge
Week: 2
Date: November 7th to 14th 2015
Report: 2
Weather conditions:
• Warm and sunny from Saturday with low winds, and with the last two days of the week with high winds and cloudy.
Top 5 Places:
1. Puesto bay (Strobel lake)
2. Cocoon (Strobel lake)
3. Barrancoso river lower section
4. Dry fly Bay
5. Moro creek 5th section (Horse shoe to 8 lakes section)
Top 5 Flies:
1 Scuds (green / orange)
2 BH Prince Nymph.
3 Chernovyl ant (black, black/orange bottom foam layer or tan bottom foam layer)
4 BH pheasant tail
5 BH Wooly Bugger (black/cactus chenille/olive)
The week presented very good conditions from Saturday, with lots of sight fishing opportunities.
Strobel Lake:
El Puesto bay continued on fire, and so Sea bay and Coocon.
Dry fly bay produced really well most times in the afternoon, as schools of fish would move after midday in many of the days.
El Puesto cliffs produced as has happened repeteadly over the seasons, some of the best fish of the week.
As Barrancoso river offers more protection, guides decided to target Strobel lake open areas for the first part of the week, and fish more protected bays and Barrancoso river later in the week, where forecast was showing cloudy days and strong winds from the west coming, which turned to be very accurate.
Best areas:
• Cocoon Bay
• Sea Bay
• Dry Fly Bay
• The Finger Bay
• Dry fly bay cliffs
• The Island
• Aquarium
• Monsters bay
Barrancoso river:
It’s running rather high and little milky, but fishing very well in all its sections and beats.
Lower section of Barrancoso, with beats such as Mouse trap, Long Pool, Dry fly pool, Island Pool fished very well, with a season best from the river at 20 lbs from John H., with a nymph.
Best areas:
• Lower section (Long Pool, Mouse trap, Island pool, Dry fly pool, etc)
• Upper Barrancoso (Vado Viejo)
• Waterfall pool area (middle section)
• River walk program N° 2 (from middle to low sections, exiting up of Long Pool, 4 km of river, aprox.)
Moro creek:
It’s running very nice with excellent water level and clarity, with the chance of catching excellent size fish and sport (best of week was 10 pounds), with average fish in the 2 to 6 pound class.
Upper section of Moro, and section from Waterfall lake to Potrero lake produced the biggest fish in the creek.
Best sections were “La reja” (section 1), “La Ocho” (section 6) and “Waterfall to Potrero (section 7)
Verde lake:
Fishing very nice, especially in the opposite side from the lodge, where Moro creek west arm, pours its waters into the lake. Good browns and brookies gorging there on eggs from some of the rainbows in spawning conditions still.
Potrero lake:
Fishing excellently.
Horseshoe lake:
Fishing very well at the moment.
Potrero Chico lake:
Fishing not well at the moment. Usually fishes better later in the season, as the summer progresses.