Desde: 13/03/2018
Hasta: 01/04/2018
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Salmón Coho, Salmón Sockeye , Salmón Pink , Salmón Chinook, Trucha arcoiris, Dolly Varden, Arctic Char - Salvelino Alpino
The weather on the Kenai Peninsula is steadily improving with average daily high temperatures above freezing. This prompts the time of year up here known as "break up" with lots of snow and ice melting during the day. It is the time of year Alaskans look forward to as the summer is just around the corner!
Plenty of ice melting on both Kenai Lake and Skilak Lake making for what looks like an early spring. We anticipate steady improvements in fishing conditions through the month of April and into early May on both the Kenai and Kasilof Rivers.
Spring fishing is just around the corner with Chinooks ready to hit the river by May 15th. The best action looks like it will occur around June 1st with steady improvement daily through the end of July.
We chase them with big spey rods and bi Ver más...The weather on the Kenai Peninsula is steadily improving with average daily high temperatures above freezing. This prompts the time of year up here known as "break up" with lots of snow and ice melting during the day. It is the time of year Alaskans look forward to as the summer is just around the corner!
Plenty of ice melting on both Kenai Lake and Skilak Lake making for what looks like an early spring. We anticipate steady improvements in fishing conditions through the month of April and into early May on both the Kenai and Kasilof Rivers.
Spring fishing is just around the corner with Chinooks ready to hit the river by May 15th. The best action looks like it will occur around June 1st with steady improvement daily through the end of July.
We chase them with big spey rods and big flies! Our King swinging program has been very successful the past several seasons and we know this year won't be any different!
If you've never fly fished or used a spey rod, the techniques are rather easy to pick up and you have a great chance of success on your first time out there. The equipment we use is top of the line and we offer small one or two person trips to ensure you have the right amount of hands-on instruction and help.
Chinooks during the first run average about 15-20 lbs, but some can get as big as 40 or 50 lbs! The second run sees the biggest kings as they can reach 60 lbs!
Tight lines and we'll see you soon!