Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Strobel Lake, Barrancoso river and Moro creek

Strobel Lake, Barrancoso river and Moro creek

Desde: 08/11/2014
Hasta: 15/11/2014
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris
Estancia Laguna Verde lodge

Week: 2
Date: November 8 to 15 2014
Report: Martin Robino (head guide)

Weather conditions:
• Water conditions: Barrancoso river and Moro creek were running with good water levels, with good conditions for fishing
• Temperatures: cold temperatures in most of the week, and with strong winds most of the week

Top 5 Places:
1. Moro Creek (sections 3 and 4)
2. Barrancoso river
3. Sea Bay
4. Monsters Bay
5. Finger Bay

Top 5 Flies:
1 Leech Olive
2 BH Prince Nymph.
3 Copper John
4 Wooly bugger Black and blue flashabou
5 Mouse patterns (Hemorroidal Mouse, Deer hair Mouse, Morrish Mouse, all used to fish Moro Creek and Barrancoso)

Strobel Lake: Lake Strobel fished strong throughout the week, even though condition Ver más...


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