Desde: 08/11/2014
Hasta: 15/11/2014
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris
Estancia Laguna Verde lodge
Week: 2
Date: November 8 to 15 2014
Report: Martin Robino (head guide)
Weather conditions:
• Water conditions: Barrancoso river and Moro creek were running with good water levels, with good conditions for fishing
• Temperatures: cold temperatures in most of the week, and with strong winds most of the week
Top 5 Places:
1. Moro Creek (sections 3 and 4)
2. Barrancoso river
3. Sea Bay
4. Monsters Bay
5. Finger Bay
Top 5 Flies:
1 Leech Olive
2 BH Prince Nymph.
3 Copper John
4 Wooly bugger Black and blue flashabou
5 Mouse patterns (Hemorroidal Mouse, Deer hair Mouse, Morrish Mouse, all used to fish Moro Creek and Barrancoso)
Strobel Lake: Lake Strobel fished strong throughout the week, even though condition Ver más...Estancia Laguna Verde lodge
Week: 2
Date: November 8 to 15 2014
Report: Martin Robino (head guide)
Weather conditions:
• Water conditions: Barrancoso river and Moro creek were running with good water levels, with good conditions for fishing
• Temperatures: cold temperatures in most of the week, and with strong winds most of the week
Top 5 Places:
1. Moro Creek (sections 3 and 4)
2. Barrancoso river
3. Sea Bay
4. Monsters Bay
5. Finger Bay
Top 5 Flies:
1 Leech Olive
2 BH Prince Nymph.
3 Copper John
4 Wooly bugger Black and blue flashabou
5 Mouse patterns (Hemorroidal Mouse, Deer hair Mouse, Morrish Mouse, all used to fish Moro Creek and Barrancoso)
Strobel Lake: Lake Strobel fished strong throughout the week, even though conditions in general were windy.
Bays such as Monsters bay, Sea bay, Tasmania bay and Finger bay produced very well.
Monsters bay was more consistent in the mornings, while Tasmania bay and Sea bay were more productive after midday.
Coccon front had all week schools of fish moving in and out each afternoon, fishing very well with small streamers and nymphs.
Best areas:
• Cocoon front
• Tasmania
• Sea Bay
• The Finger Bay
Top 3 Catches at Strobel lake:
1) Angler: Peter Shaw Weight: 16 pounds Fly: BH Yelow Prince Area: Cocoon , Guide: Alfredo Bovio Date: 16/11/14 Time: 18,30 hs
2) Angler: Ruben Teodoro Casares (Pelo) Weight: 14 pounds Fly: BH Wolly Bugger, Black Grizzly Area: Tasmania Guide: Dario Arrieta Date: 12/11/14 Time: 16 hs
3) Angler: Mariano Barry Weight: 12 pounds Fly: Copper John Area: Sea Bay Guide: Martin Robino Date: Time: 11hs
Barrancoso river:
Barrancoso river was running with good water conditions and very clear, perfect conditions for fishing, but very nice catches as the first week of the season.
Best areas:
• River walk program (waterfall pool)
• Long Pool
• Mouse Trap
Top 3 Catches:
1) Angler: Carlos Garrido “El Garra” Weight: 15 pounds Fly: Egg Orange Area: Pool Largo, Guide: Dario Arrieta Date: 9/11/14 Time: 11hs
2) Angler: Fernando Gasoti Weight: 13 pounds Fly: Wooly Bugger Oliva Area: Over Side Pool Largo Guide: Alfredo Bovio Date: 9/11/14 Time: 13,30 hs
3) Angler: Marcelo Rodriguez Guide: Dario Arrieta Date: 11/11/14 Time: 16hs, Area: Mouse Trap
4) Angler: Luis, Daniel y Tito Weight: 12, 13 y 14 pounds Fly: bunny chartuse, prince and copper john Area: Pool Largo y mouse trap Guide: Nano Peralta y Martin Robino Date: 7/11/14 Time: 10hs a 13hs
Moro creek:
Moro creek continued to be a new hightlight program of this season with catches ranging from 2 to 6 pounds, fishing with lighter rods, on dry flies or mouse patterns.
Verde lake:
Fishing very nice, especially in front of the lodge, and on the opposite side, where Moro creek west arm, pours its Waters into the lake
Texas lake:
Not fishing well at the moment
Horseshoe lake:
Fishing excellent on the west side and where Moro creek enters the lake, as well as the inlet on the north shore. Best catch was 9 lbs. by Mariano Barry.
Estancia Laguna Verde is working on two bridges to be able to cross Barrancoso river in the mid and low sections adding a lot more water to fish, and to make possible a lot more programs at the river. This will be a huge addition, opening up fantastic new beats, that will now will be more easily accessed.